
I am Lestari, and I currently working as a footwear designer under Amanda Jane's brand. Amanda Jane's is the sister brand of Be-Bob, a female local footwear brand from Bandung Indonesia. They have manufactured, distributed, and sold their product for over a decade and still growing. You can find their product at the department store chain in your city (except Kalimantan and Sulawesi), they also sell online through e-commerce.

Since Amanda Jane's market was young woman, I design a lot of sneakers, shoes, sandals, and mules. Although my role was a footwear designer, I designed the trinkets including graphic patterns, stickers, etc. Some of them were approved but the rest were declined, it could be because of internal issues or external issues, such as material availability, production ability, and marketing needs. 

I added the declined design to my portfolio without a doubt because I knew I passed a lot of processes to produce that design, yes... those declined designs took me to develop and improve more until I got the 'approved' one. Nothing new under the sun, it's true... but we need more than a good design to throw into the market, that's why I always do some research before designing, sometimes the research takes longer than the designing itself.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions about my portfolio and footwear, of course :)




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